★ Root NOT required ★Clear Voicemail Notifications helps get rid of persistent notifications from the notifications panel. Persistent notifications are notifications that cannot be dismissed by swiping away, even when there are no ongoing events (such as music playing in the background) associated with them.
The most infamous persistent notification is the voicemail / missed call notification displayed by the phone app. This notification cannot be easily dismissed without calling the voicemail number and retrieving the voicemail, which usually incurs high costs from the carrier.
This app helps you get rid of any such persistent notification from the notification pane any time they appear, without having to call the voicemail number.
This is the only app that can achieve this without Root access.
Note: App does not directly remove notifications in Android 5 (Lollipop) anymore, due to changes Google made to the Android API's. The app however does implement a workaround, please read this for more information:http://www.appsropos.com/clearing-voicemail-notifications-on-android-5-lollipop/
Keywords: clear remove voicemail notification icon voice mail missed call